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Stained Glass Impressionistic Landscape Greeting Card

Art 207-04, Group 6
Michele Edwards, Sarah Glick, Diana Anderson, Kim Carter

  1. Students will learn about the history of stained glass.
  2. Students will learn about the history of Mother’s Day.
  3. Students will learn how to mix three colors with tissue paper.
  4. Students will learn about landscape.
  5. Students will learn about impressionism.
  1. Ruler
  2. Colored tissue paper
  3. Over-head transparencies film ( 8 ½” x 5 ½”)
  4. Glue
  5. 9” x 12” colored construction paper
  6. Pencil
  7. Paint brush
  8. White scratch paper ( 8 ½” x 5 ½”)
  9. Scissors
  10. Tape
  1. Slides of impressionistic artwork.
  2. Slides of stained glass windows.
  3. Student’s artwork.
  • Stained glass
  • Impressionism
  1. Discuss Impressionism, stained glass and Mother’s Day.
  2. Choose one color of a 9” x 12” construction paper for card.
  3. Fold paper in half, making a 9” x 6 ½” card.
  4. On the topside of card draw a 3/4” border and cut out inside border.
  5. Place sketch paper under border and sketch simple outline of landscape onto paper staying inside your frame.
  6. Remove sketch; cover it with over-head transparencies film and tape to table.
  7. Glue (with gloss medium) tissue paper onto over-head transparencies film filling in completely.
  8. Glue or tape your stained glass piece to back of border (inside card).
  9. Add a greeting to the card.
  10. Share artwork and discuss what the students learned.

The impressionist style of painting is characterized mainly by concentration on the general impression produced by a scene or object and the use of unmixed primary colors and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light.

Impressionism, French Impressionism, a major movement, first in painting and later in music, that developed chiefly in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Impressionist painting comprises the work produced between about 1867 and 1886 by a group of artists who shared a set of related approaches and techniques. The most conspicuous characteristic of
Impressionism was an attempt to accurately and objectively record visual reality in terms of transient effects of light and color. The principal Impressionist painters were Claude Monet, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley, Berthe Morisot, Armand Guillaumin, and Frédéric Bazille, who worked together, influenced each other, and exhibited together
independently. Edgar Degas and Paul Cézanne also painted in an Impressionist style for a time in the early 1870s. The established painter Édouard Manet, whose work in the 1860s greatly influenced Monet and others of the group, himself adopted the Impressionist approach about 1873.

Math or Science

All of these two-dimensional, flat works create an illusion of three-dimensional depth. Rank them from the composition that appears to be the closest to the viewer (or most shallow) to the composition with the greatest feeling of depth. Look for the ways that each painting depicts depth. For instance, are the colors softer in the background? Did the artist use perspective? Are objects smaller in the background than in the foreground? Do objects in the foreground overlap objects in the background? Although there are no specific right answers, ask the students to hypothesize how many feet of depth each painting illustrates. What clues did the artist provide to support the hypotheses?

Language Arts

Discuss the transparencies with the class. What are their favorite paintings? Why did they choose those? Have the students write an essay from the point of view of a collector or museum director who wants to purchase one of the paintings. Include why they chose the painting and how it will add to their current collections. For instance, a director of a self-portrait museum might want to add the self-portrait by van Gogh to his or her collection.

Social Studies

Have the students stage an art exhibition of their own within the classroom. Send out invitations and design posters to advertise the exhibition. Some students will be traditional artists while others will be experimental artists. Other students will be critics and collectors. The artwork and written exercises that the students create based upon the activities in this packet would be appropriate for the exhibition.

Artistic Development

Students at the age of 8-12 years have a newfound realistic approach to making pictures. By this age they are at Stage 3, the realism years. They pay more attention to body proportion, action of figure, and details of clothing. They begin to think about what they see and how they make their changes dramatically. The geometric symbols they have used to represent the objects they drew no longer are enough. Students begin to show and perceive that the sky meets the horizon and that objects can overlap and create new spatial effects. Closer observation of environment and a gradual disappearance of baseline begin to appear. Shadows and shading may appear. Students begin to use more realistic colors and become more critical of their own work. Students are ready for instruction in how to draw more realistically. As teachers we should provide the students with opportunities.

Mothers Day History

Date: March
Religion: Christian

Also called Mothering Sunday, this festival falls on the 4th Sunday in Lent. It dates back to the Middle Ages, when people in remote villages returned to the main church or mother church, in their parish for a special service.

Celebrations, Children Just Like Me written by Anabel Kaindersley, Published by DK Publishing Inc.

Stained Glass History

Stained Glass has origins dating back to the development of glass making in ancient Egypt in the second century B.C. The Greeks and Romans extensively used mosaics made of pebbles and colored ceramic glass chips. The mosaic art using ceramic glass chips flourished well into the 10th century A.D. Stained glass, as we know it today was first used in European religious panels around the 11th century A.D. However, the craft fell into a period of decline during the "Dark Ages", as did all the arts.

The colored "see through" type of stained glass is still known today as "cathedral" stained glass. This was originally clear glass, which had a colored "stain" applied to it. The "stained" glass was soon developed into a glass which had the stain incorporated into the actual glass by adding metals and minerals to the molten glass resulting in a tinted glass which we know today as "cathedral glass". Stained glass windows were used in European cathedrals from the 1100's. The use of stained glass expanded during the Renaissance period of art revival of the 14th century and the building of grand cathedrals in Europe during the 1400's through the 1700's. During this period, leaded clear glass windows began to be used in some non-church construction, however the use of stained glass outside the church was rare.

Lesson Plan Resources

Impressionistic Stained Glass Mothers Day Cards created by:
Diana Anderson
Michele Edwards
Sarah Glick
Kim Carter

Impressionistic, Math or Science, Language Arts and Social Studies information from:

Mothers Day History information:
Children Just Like Me written by Anabel Kaindersley, Published by DK Publishing Inc.

Stained Glass History information:

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