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Checklist of Portfolio

An Example
*The content of lesson Plan & Group Lesson Plans vary from semester to semester

The following stuff has to be in your Decorated Teacher's Resource Binder.

I. Cover page
II. Checklist
III. Syllabus
IV. Lesson plan and the artwork (or reproductions)

1. Impressionistic landscape (Dots by crayon)
2. Expressionistic abstract painting (Line & color by tempera)
3. Emotional face (Collage)
4. Printmaking (Printmaking)
*5. Sequential narrative art (ArtManga: After the story and/or Events)
6. Yarn Painting (Yarn)
7. Paper Mask
8. Mask (Papier mache)
9. Clay Whistle

*Attach the lesson plan of #5 which was distributed in class!

V. 7 Group lesson plans and artworks (or reproductions)

Section 4
1. Kindergarten (Mon, 4/28): Groups 2 & 3
2. 1st & 2nd grades (Wed, 4/30): Groups 5 & 7
3. 3rd & 4th grades (Mon, 5/5): Groups 1 & 4
4. 5th & 6th grades (Wed, 5/7): Group 6

Section 5
1. Kindergarten (Mon, 4/28): Group 2
2. 1st & 2nd grades (Wed, 4/30): Groups 5 & 6
3. 3rd & 4th grades (Mon, 5/5): Groups 3 & 7
4. 5th & 6th grades (Wed, 5/7): Groups 1 & 4

* Your group lesson plan and the comment (feedback) sheet!

VI. Handouts (*alternative projects)

1. Line Drawing and others (Example of lesson plans)
2. Sources for Case Studies: Guidelines for case study research
3. An Example of Outline of Case Study
4. What is an original print?
5. A handout of Papier-mache
6. Glossary of sculptural and ceramics terms
7. Group lesson Plan
8. Elements of Arts
9. The Fine Art Media

VII. Assignments (including Case Study - *alternative projects)

- A draft of the first lesson plan (Impressionistic landscape)
- 3 WA (writing assignments)
- A draft of outline of case study
- Case study research paper and the visual images (or *Research paper)

You can make it as a separate binder, if you want.

Group Lesson Plan Titles: & Schedules

Section 4
Kindergarten (M. 4/28): Flying Kites (Group 2)
Native American Ceremonial Vests (G. 3)

1st & 2nd Grades (W. 4/30): Paper Puppets (G. 5)
Crayon Resist (G. 7)

3rd. & 4th Grades (M. 5/5): Warm Sun & Cool Moon (G.1)
Pie Pan Art (G. 4)

5th & 6th G. (W. 5/7): Stained Glass (Group 6)

Section 5
Kindergarten (M.4/28): Paper Face (Group 2)

1st & 2nd G. (W. 4/30): Japanese Fan (G. 5)
Mobil/Farm Animals (G. 6)

3rd & 4th G. (M. 5/5): Hats throughout History (G. 3)
Who am I Collage (G. 7)?

5th & 6th G (W. 5/7): Wire Sculpture (G. 1)
3-D Diorama (G. 4)

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