FALL 2003
Class Meets: Mon. & Wed. 2-4:50 P.M.
Classroom: CSUC, Ayres 103
Textbook: Black & White Photography: A Basic Manual, By Henry Horenstein
Mail Box: CSU Chico Art Office - Ayres 107
Instructor: Nancy Meyer
Phone #: CSU Chico Art Office 898-5331
Office Hours: M & W 9-10 A.M. CSUC Taylor 201
Final: Mon. 12/15/03, 2-3:50 P.M.
This course provides students the opportunity to learn and apply skills in the areas of basic 35mm camera use, traditional black & white film processing and black & white printing. In addition, there will be an investigation of new technologies and photography with an introduction to Adobe Photoshop. Creative expression will be emphasized, focusing on personal vision as well as formal qualities of art making, with an approach to photography as a fine art form. Students will utilize their understanding of the course material as they create, critique, observe, and discuss their work as well as others. These activities will provide the student with the knowledge, skills and experience in basic black and white photography as an expressive medium with a unique history and will provide you the prerequisites to take advanced courses in photography.
1. Participate in class regularly. You will be responsible for work done in class or
assigned whether or not you are present. Non-participation will be considered an
indication of your lack of commitment to the class and can be reflected in your grade.
2. Satisfactorily complete all class assignments, readings, and projects by date or time
indicated by the instructor. Late work will be accepted with appropriate reduction in
grade. If work is late due to an illness or other unforeseen circumstances, upon
instructor approval, there will be no deduction in grade if turned in according to the
instructor's revised deadline.
3. Become aware of technical, creative, formal, and conceptual elements in photography.
Gain knowledge of photography's historical and contemporary contributions to our
visual environment and the art world.
4. Make the transition from a snap-shot approach to photography, to a fine art approach,
utilizing the skills listed above in #3.
1. Attend one photography exhibit that is on public display and write a critique of the
exhibit using the critique format provided by the instructor. Anyone of the following
types of institutions is a good source for viewing art: Museums, Galleries, and art
exhibits on school campuses. Other institutions that house artwork go see, but before
writing a critique from such a place, get instructor approval. Critiques on photography
located in private homes, books, or magazines will not be accepted. Critiques written
from memory of photographs seen before this semester will also not be accepted.
2. A minimum of five photo projects. Each photo project will come with an in depth
description of the project and all the requirements for that particular assignment.
3. Photo Technique Samples - Samples of at least 4 different techniques from the list of
photo techniques (included in this syllabus) that will be covered in class through
demos and lecture.
4. There will be some in class assignments based upon class lecture and reading. You will
have handouts describing these assignments as we get to that particular portion of the
class. In addition, there will be some library research on photographers assigned
throughout the semester.
5. Quizzes - you can expect to get a minimum of three comprehension quizzes to check
for your understanding of the reading material and class lectures.
6. There will be 1 hour of directed study per week, which will be library research. Each
photo project requires library research where photography books will be utilized to
locate photographs which pertain to the current assignment.
1.) History of Photography
2. ) The Camera
3. ) Operating the Camera
4. ) Exposing Film
5. ) Developing Film
6. ) Working in the Darkroom - Printmaking
7.) Shooting for Composition
8.) Creativity & Awareness
9.) Visual Expression & Conceptual Issues
10.) Working in the Darkroom - More About Printmaking
11.) Dry Mounting Prints and Other Matting Techniques
12.) Alternative Printing Processes such as: Non-silver printing (cyan-o-type) and new
technologies (digital darkroom).
13.) Many Demos in areas such as: Toning, Hand coloring, Solarization etc.
1.) Manual 35mm camera ideally with a variety of lenses i.e. wide angle (28mm),
telephoto (135mm), & normal lens (50mm)
2.) Film -
Ilford PAN F 50 ASA 36 exposrue
Ilford Delta 125 ASA 36 exposure
Ilford HP5 400 ASA 12, 24, & 36 exposure.
3.) Print Paper -
Ilford Multigrade IV RC Paper, Pearl finish size 8x10, amount 25 sheets (Note: you
will use several packs of this paper (25 sheets each) therefore, you may consider
buying this paper in a 100 sheet box. It is a little less expensive and saves you time
from running back and forth to the camera store.
Ilford Fiber Based Paper, matte finish size 11x14 10 sheets
4.) Negative selves - at least 10 sheets to start with.
5.) Dry mounting tissue at least one 8x10 sheet for RC paper.
6.) Negative Brush.
7.) A tripod is highly recommended, but not mandatory.
8.) Access to a computer with a photoshop program.
9.) As the semester unfolds you may wish to purchase additional supplies after seeing
class demos.
Note: Any student with special needs or considerations is encouraged to speak with the instructor in order to facilitate their circumstances.
Expected cost for each student enrolled in this class varies depending upon the student, amount of work, and interest of different materials. Minimum cost for each student, minus the cost of the camera, could be in the neighborhood of $100. - $200.
Photography projects and accompanying self-critiques are due at the beginning of each and every critique. No project will be accepted without the reflective write at the time it is due. Reflective writes are to be typewritten! Late projects will be graded no higher than a C. The later the project is turned in the lower your chances are of obtaining a C grade. The grading of photographic projects will be based upon technical achievement, creative, thoughtful, and original expression. The grading of all other assignments will be discussed prior to their commencement
NOTE: Consistent participation and being prepared to work every class session is absolutely necessary to the successful completion of this class (refer to enclosed handout regarding attendance procedures). Roll will be taken in the first ten minutes of class. Coming to class without new negatives to develop/print will mean having little to do during lab time. This can be a major problem because class time is to be sent in class not out shooting your film that is to be done for homework! Expect to devote at least six hours per week, every week outside of class, shooting film for your projects. To do well in this class students should be self-motivated, honestly interested in creating meaningful artwork and on time with their assignments. The only trouble students occasionally have in this course begins with the false assumption it can be placed on the "back-burner" of one's semester course-load. This should be an interesting and enjoyable class but it will most likely not be an "easy" class!
Note: If for some unforeseen circumstances, a change in course material, assignments, or points for assignments occur, advanced notice will be given to the class.
The following is a % breakdown of the value each different requirement weighs when figuring your final grade for this course.
Class participation/attendance = 20%
Photography Projects & Portfolio = 50%
Other assignments, tests, & critique = 30%
The student's work clearly illustrates a mastery of basic photography skills (camera use, film exposure & development), techniques, materials, & formal qualities (principles & elements of design) of composition. The content of the artwork goes well beyond the assignment, and is innovative or evokes questions, or new interpretations. The student is always on time, prepared to work, no missing assignments and does not miss class.
The student's work shows a very good understanding of basic photography skills, and the assignment as stated or implied, and employs the most appropriate photo techniques, materials, tools, and art elements and principles of design. The work displays fine craftsmanship and is well reasoned, insightful and includes appropriate visual imagery to support or amplify the point of view. The student is always on time, prepared to work, no missing assignments and rarely misses class.
The student's work shows understanding of basic photography skills, and assignment as stated or implied and a general understanding of the appropriate use of techniques, materials, tools, and art elements and principles of design, craftsmanship or point of view. The student is prepared to work, no missing assignments and seldom is late or misses class.
The student's work shows incomplete understanding of basic photography skills, and assignment as stated or implied and demonstrates inappropriate use of techniques, materials, tools, and art elements and principles of design. The work displays poor craftsmanship or is incomplete and odes not have enough visual imagery to support point of view. The student is often not prepared to work, missing assignments, occasionally is late to class and absences are excessive.
The student's work does not demonstrate understanding of basic photography skills, and the assignment. The work does not contain enough visual evidence to evaluate understanding of techniques, materials, tools, art elements and principles of design, craftsmanship or point of view. The student is frequently not prepared to work, missing assignments, often late to class and class absences are extreme.
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