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Instructor: Dr. Masami Toku
Class Hours: Please see the class schedule
Office Hours: Please contact the main office; Phone: 530-898-5331
Office: Ayres 125; Phone: 530-898-6866; E-mail:
Material Fee: Please see the class schedule

Art 207 is designed to provide liberal studies and elementary education majors with a philosophical and practical basis for teaching art (K-8th G.). Lecture, discussion, and class activities will focus upon the role of art in children’s lives and the role of the teacher in nurturing artistic expression and aesthetic sensitivity. Topics for study will include:
  • The Nature of Children’s Artistic Development
  • The Role of Art in Children’s Lives
  • The Role of the Teacher in Nurturing Artistic Expression and Aesthetic Sensitivity
  • The Value of Art Education in the Curriculum
  • Instructional and Motivation Methods for Teaching Art to Young Children
  • Strategies for Teaching Art Criticism and Appreciation to Elementary School Children
  • Strategies for Integrating Art into the Elementary School Curriculum

To understand children’s artistic development
To integrate art with other academic subjects in elementary school
To develop skill and confidence with 2D and 3D materials
To reflect on the process of making and teaching art
To develop a portfolio of well-crafted examples that can be adapted to a variety of elementary grades levels as a teacher’s resource
To develop and present historical/cultural art appreciation components for each studio’s activity

Required Textbook:

Herberholz & Herberholz (2002). Artworks for Elementary Teachers: Developing Artistic and Perceptual Awareness (9th Ed.). McGraw Hill (This will be on reserve at the limited loan desk in the main library)

*Other reading assignments will be announced.



This course contains a great deal of material that is impossible to make up, so daily attendance is important. Attendance, preparedness and punctuality are considered as a part of your professional development. More than 3 absences will result in a reduction of your grade (e.g. A to A-). Late arrival/early departures will also affect your grade.

If you expect to miss a class period due to special conditions (e.g. religious holy days, participation in university events, and so on), let the instructor know within the first two weeks of class for the alternate arrangements for assignments.

*It is the student’s responsibility to get information before the next class to catch up with the schedule if a class is missed.

Class Behavior:

Any class behavior which distracts or undermines an atmosphere conductive to learning - chatting, sleeping, reading newspapers, and leaving class early or arriving late - will not be tolerated. The instructor reserves the right to regard any student behaving this way as absents for the day.

Tentative Assessment:
  • 100 pts: 10 studio assignments (all should be completed by the due date based on the instruction)15 pts: 3 short writing assignment (e.g. lesson plan and reading assignments)
  • 35 pts: 7 studio projects of group lesson plan
  • 20 pts: Group lesson plan presentation (preparation and presentation)
  • 40 pts: Portfolio (Resource binder including descriptions and visual supplements each lesson)
  • 40 pts: Final projects (the case study of children’s artistic development)
  • 10 pts: Presentation of final project
  • +-Extra points: Professional development (attendance, preparedness, punctuality, participation, etc.
Studio work will be evaluated on the basis of craftsmanship, originality, and demonstrated understanding of the theories of children’s artistic development and the issues involved. Going beyond the minimum requirements is the mark of an excellent student, and will be reflected in your final grade.

*Unless otherwise specified, all papers must be typed (double-spaced), proofread, stapled (if over one page), and professionally presented (follow the instruction carefully).

*It is also student’s responsibility to prepare and clean up materials and classroom when used.


*Keeps an eye out for announcements on the online of WebCT: Art 207 Development of children's Art for any schedule changes and important notices!

*All students need to register on the course of WebCT: Art 207 Development of children's Art in the first week!

Main Assignments (the details will be discussed later):

Studio assignments:
  • About 10 different kinds of studio projects will be given to develop your artistic skills.
  • All projects have to be completed based on the instruction by the due date.
  • Unfinished assignments will not be graded no matter how attractive.
  • If it is difficult to finish during class, open hours will be available to complete them outside of classtime. (Check the available open hours).
*It is student’s responsibility to prepare and clean up materials and classroom when used.

Portfolio (Teacher’s Resource Binder):

In the portfolio, the description of each assignment, the visual supplements (photo, slide, or the actual artwork), written assignments and all handouts will be bound attractively as a resource binder for your future teaching.

Case Study of Children’s Artistic Development: A case study of one child or a group of children includes both visual materials (children’s drawings, paintings, or photographs of three-dimensional work) and a written interpretation. Because this project functions in lieu of a final examination, your descriptions and analyses of the children’s work should reflect your understanding of the information presented in readings and lecture of children’s artistic development. Suggestions and methodological guidelines will be provided.

*If you don’t have access to work on “Case Study,” you will be given an alternative project (e.g. research paper or children’s book). Contact the instructor in advance to find the substitute project!

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