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People & Curriculum in Art Education

Nancy Meyer

Course Offerings:
Art 91: Introduction to Art Photography
ART 207 - Development of Children's Art

Michael Simmons

Course Offerings:
ART 207 - Development of Children's Art
ART 208 - Development of Adolescent Art

Sharon Smith

Course Offerings:
ART 207 - Development of Children's Art
ART 208 - Development of Adolescent Art

Masami Toku

Course Offering:
ART 004 - Art Appreciation
ART 207 - Development of Children's Art
ART 208 - Development of Adolescent Art
ART 218 - Cultural Diversity in Art Education
ART 298 - Special Topics in Art Education

Degree in Art Education (BA Option in Art Education)

Research Paper

Art Appreciation

Research Paper
(Analytical & Critical Essay)

Length: 5 pages as text, double spaced, 12 point font of Times, plus at least 3 visual supplements (e.g. copies from published pictures or Internet)


I. Introduction

II. Background
  1. Development: Time line of basic artistic influences and cultural context.
  2. Motivation: The artist’s intentions and purposes.
III. Body:
Using three art works – early, middle, and late examples – of the artist’s work, describe and analyze his/her use of the following in the three works;
  1. Style
  2. Visual structures and organization
  3. Subject matter
  4. Materials and processes
IV. Conclusion:
What innovations or new ideas did the artist bring to the art world? What other artists have been influenced by his/her work?

V. Bibliography
You must reference the following:
  • A World of Art (textbook)
  • At least one art article found in an art journal or a general newspaper
  • At least two books found in the Slide Library, University Library, or other Libraries

Analytical Paper

  • Cover page: 1 page including title, name, & course title
  • Body (Text): 2 – 3 pages (Minimum 500 - Max. 1,000 words) - typed double-spaced, standard font, proofread, and professionally presented (Font/Times and Size/12)
  • *Plus a sketch of the artwork.
Go to see public exhibitions (e.g. the University gallery, the Humanities Center, the Janet Turner Print Museum, the Art gallery, and other galleries/museums) and choose one actual artwork (not reproduction) to describe as follows:
  1. Title, Artist, Year of the artwork, and where you found/saw it (or an explanation if you did not find these information).
  2. Describe what it looks like and what you think of the art based on the study (e.g. the elements of arts, the materials of art, etc.)
  3. Explain reason you chose it (and like or dislike)
  4. Attach a brief sketch of the artwork
*If you use technical art terms, you need to explain the meaning.

Group Presentations

Art Appreciation

Group Presentation of Art Movements

Examples of Art movements:

  1. The Rococo:
  2. Neoclassicism:
  3. Romanticism:
  4. Realism:
  5. Impressionism:
  6. Post-Impressionism:
  7. Cubism
  8. Fauvism
  9. Expressionism
  10. Futurism
  11. Dada/Surrealism
  12. Pop/Minimalism
*The following contents of art movement(s) should be presented by your group members with visual information such as slides, color prints, reproduction, videos, etc. (Check the slide library of Ayres 205!)
Outline of your group presentation:

I. Introduction

II. Background
  1. Development: Time line of basic artistic influences and cultural context.
  2. Motivation: The movement’s (artist’s) intentions and purposes.
III. Body: Using different types of art works in the movement, describe and analyze artists’ use of the following:
  1. Style
  2. Visual structures and organization
  3. Subject matter
  4. Materials and processes
IV. Conclusion: What innovations or new ideas did the movement (artists) bring to the art world? What other movements (artists) have been influenced by their work?

Tentative Schedule

*Change in the schedule will be announced in class and/or through WebCT!

PART I “The Visual World: Understanding the Art You See”

Week 1: First day of class: course introduction, discuss syllabus and class
requirements and Chapter 1 (A World of Art)
Week 2: Chapter 2 (Developing Visual Literacy) & 3 (The Themes of Art)
Week 3: Chapter 4 (Seeing the Value in Art) & 5 (Line)

PART II “The Formal Elements and their Design: Describing the Art You See”

Week 4: Chapter 6 (Space) & 7 (Light & Color)
Week 5: Chapter 8 (Other Formal Elements) & 9(The Principle of Design)
Week 6: Exam I & Guest lecture

PART III “The Fine Arts Media: Learning How Art is Made”

Week 7: Chapter 10 (Drawing) & 11 (Printmaking
Week 8: Chapter)12 (Painting) & 13 (Sculpture)
Week 9: Chapter14 (3-D Media) & Chapter 15 (Camera Art)
Week 10: Exam II & Guest lecture

PART V “The Visual Record: Placing the Arts in Historical Content”

Week 11: Chapter 18 (The Ancient World) & 19 (The Christian era)
Week 12: Chapter 20 (The Renaissance to The Baroque) & 21 (The 18th & 19 th.C.)
Week 13: Chapter 22 (The 20th Century) & Exam III

PART IV “The Visual Arts in Everyday Life: Recognizing the Art of Design”

Week 14: Chapter 16 (Architecture) & 17 (Design)
Week 15: Guest lecture and Reviews for Final

***Final Exam: the day of final exam will be noticed later!


Instructor: Dr. Masami Toku
Class Hours: 5-6:15 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday at Ayres 120
Office Hours: MW: Noon – 1:30 PM/ TTh: 3-4:00 PM/ or by appointment
Office: Ayres 125 (Phone: 898-6866/E-mail:

Art 04 is designed to develop students’ appreciation of art including observation, articulation, and critical thinking skills through visual arts. Also, this course is designed to fulfill General Education C-1 requirements in the basic study of visual arts, which is to provide student opportunities to develop understanding of human creativity, arts, values, and reasoning. Slide lectures, related readings in the text, films, and museum visits will focus upon visual thinking strategy as a communicative tool.

(*All students must participate in at least 4 relevant public events or art events)

Course Objectives:

To find your own answers for the questions, “what is art?” and “what is art for?” based on the following:
  • Critical understanding of visual arts in contemporary society.
  • Examining the elements, principles, and the universal language of art.
  • Examining materials and processes used by artists to critically examine works of art.
Required Textbook available at Bookstore:

Henry M. Sayre (2003). A World of Art. 4rd Ed.
(Visit the website:

(This is on reserve at the limited loan desk in the slide library at Ayres #205)



This course contains a great deal of material that is impossible to make up, so daily attendance is important. Attendance, preparedness and punctuality are considered as a part of your grade. Instead of checking the roll sheet each class, a writing activity will be often/randomly required in class to check students' attendance. These activities earn a maximum of10 points each and there is no make-up for writing activities in class regardless of the reason for your absence.

If you expect to miss a class period due to special conditions (e.g. religious holy days, participation of university events, and so on), let the instructor know within the first two weeks of class for the alternate arrangements for exams and assignments.

* It is student’s responsibility to obtain information and/or notes from the instructor and/or other students if a class is missed.

Class Behavior:

Any class behavior which distracts or undermines an atmosphere conductive to learning - chatting, sleeping, reading newspapers, and leaving class early or arriving late - will not be tolerated. The instructor reserves the right to regard any student behaving this way as absents for the day.


*50 points: Exam 1 (multiple choice, true or false, matching, and slide identification)
*50 points: Exam 2 (multiple choice, true or false, matching, and slide identification)
*50 points: Exam 3 (multiple choice, true or false, matching, and slide identification)
*50 point: Exam 4 (multiple choice, true or false, matching, and slide identification)
25 point: 1 critical essay (based on a question in the textbook or others)
25 point: 1 Analytical paper (based on1 relevant public and/or art events)
150 points: 15 review quiz in class (10 pts X 15 + 150 pts)
Extra +- point: Bonus and/or penalty points

*The 3 highest scores out of 4 exams will be selected as your grades!

* Keep an eye on your record since your record will be updated through "My grade." (There is no way to change your grade after the semester is over.)

* Don’t miss exams! (Exams can be made up only when prearranged and accompanied by a letter from your Dean.)

Written assignments:

Unless otherwise specified, all papers must be typed (double-spaced with font 12), proofread, stapled (if over 1 page), and professionally presented (follow the instruction carefully!).

*Late work will also result in a reduction of your grade unless you receive approval in advance.


* All students need to register on the course of WebCT: Art 4 Art Appreciation in the first week!
*Keeps an eye out for announcements on the online of WebCT: Art Appreciation for any schedule changes and important notices!

ART 004 - Art Appreciation

Art 004 is designed to develop students' appreciation of art including observation, articulation, and critical thinking skills through visual arts. Also, this course is designed to fulfill General Education C-1 requirements in the basic study of visual arts, which is to provide student opportunities to develop understanding of human creativity, arts, values, and reasoning. Slide lectures, related readings in the text, films, and museum visits will focus upon visual thinking strategy as a communicative tool.

Current Courses

ART 004 - Art Appreciation

ART 207 - Development of Children's Art

ART 208 - Development of Adolescent Art

ART 218 - Cultural Diversity in Art Education

ART 298 - Special Topics in Art Education

Why do I teach art education?

I believe art is one of the most important subjects for facilitating thought about your identity, where you are from and where you are going, Art is a window to look at other cultures, to understand other values, and to examine one's own culture and values.